A Study on the Athletic Activities of Luther H. Gulick, a Pioneer in Athletics of the YMCA 인문,사회과학편 : YMCA 체육선구자, Luther H. Gulick의 체육활동에 관한 연구
53(4) 1-15, 2014
A Study on the Athletic Activities of Luther H. Gulick, a Pioneer in Athletics of the YMCA 인문,사회과학편 : YMCA 체육선구자, Luther H. Gulick의 체육활동에 관한 연구
This study aimed to investigate the life and achievements of Luther H. Gulick as a pioneer in athletics of the YMCA, awindow of introducing modern sports to the world. By analyzing magazines he had contributed articles to, speech, the officialpress of the YMCA, etc., it was self-evident that the athletic activities he had done had a significant effect on spreadingmodern sports to the world. First, born into a family devoting much of their lives to religious revival, Gulick had what it tookto be an organizer and paved a way for evangelicalism through physical activities, affected by his parents’ missionary workabroad. Second, grounded on muscular christianity and scientific thought, the principle of Gulick on physical educationjustified the physical education movement of the YMCA as well as became the basis of physical work of the American YMCA. Third, basketball, volley ball, pentathlon, and athletic league were established as systematic programs for physical education,which became a vehicle of promoting physical activities of the YMCA. Fourth, Gulick set up a formal educational program fortraining physical directors for the first time in America to foster human resources for the realization of educationalpotentialities of physical activities. So in this way, not only did the athletic activities Gulick had done as a leader of YMCAdevelop sports in America, but they also became the cornerstone of spreading modern sports to Korea, Japan, China, etc. influenced by the physical work of the American YMCA.
Key Words
life of Luther H. Gulick, athletic activities of the American YMCA
The Korean Traditional Equestrian Feats that is handed down to Fujinomori Shrine in Japan 인문,사회과학편 : 일본(日本) 등삼신사(藤森神社)에 전승(傳承)되는 조선(朝鮮)의 마상재(馬上才)
53(4) 17-27, 2014
The Korean Traditional Equestrian Feats that is handed down to Fujinomori Shrine in Japan 인문,사회과학편 : 일본(日本) 등삼신사(藤森神社)에 전승(傳承)되는 조선(朝鮮)의 마상재(馬上才)
The tradition of Korean equestrian feats was cut off in Korea, but we can trace it now in Japan. This study tries to grasp theexact state affairs regarding Korean traditional equestrian through Kakeuma that is handed down to Fujinomori shrine inKyoto. The Kakeuma is the culture that comes from the Joseon envoy, not a things from Kamakura era. The seven arts thatis handed down are almost same to the equestrian feats of Muyedobotongi. Because of the excellent skill, the arts were in thelimelight. But it is the situation laying emphasis on preservation now. The traditional equestrian feats of Japan were declinedfor the age of civil wars that mobilized thousands of horse. And revival was tried in the Edo era, but it came to receive theKorean equestrian feats which provided for Tokugawa-ieyasu. The popularity of the equestrian feats spread over the wholecountry by the publication boom. The Otsubo style and the Korean style of Japanese equitation ran a show with it, until thewestern circus has been presented. Through the process of acceptance and succession in Japan, the Korean equestrian featswhich introduced by Joseon envoy have settled in Fujinomori shrine.
Key Words
Korean equestrian feats, Fujinomori shrine, Masangje, Kyokuba, Muyedobotongi, cultural exchange of Korea and Japan
The Transition of Sport Competitive Structure Based on the Political Changes between South and North Korea: Focusing on Winning at the World Table Tennis Championships 인문,사회과학편 : 남북한 정치 변동에 따른 스포츠경쟁체제의 변천: 세계탁구선수권대회 여성 우승을 중심으로
하웅용WoongYongHa , 최영금YoungGeumChoi
53(4) 29-40, 2014
The Transition of Sport Competitive Structure Based on the Political Changes between South and North Korea: Focusing on Winning at the World Table Tennis Championships 인문,사회과학편 : 남북한 정치 변동에 따른 스포츠경쟁체제의 변천: 세계탁구선수권대회 여성 우승을 중심으로
하웅용WoongYongHa , 최영금YoungGeumChoi
The current study aims to investigate the transition in the sports competition according to the dynamics in politics byidentifying the triumphant moment at the World Table Tennis Championships held in Sarajevo in 1973 and the participationand achievements of a single South-North team shown at the World Table Tennis Championships both in Pyongyang in 1979and Chiba in 1991. With regard to changes in the ideology of sports and politics based on the concept of conflict and decline,dispute between the Asia Table Tennis Federation and Asian Table Tennis Union was also examined. First, the sportscompetition of South Korea and North Korea was riddled with confrontation and competition in the name of ideology called’cold war.’ Second, it was not until 1984 that the South, then missing child in the world of the international table tennis asa result of factionalism between the two organizations, was able to participate in the ATTU. By that time, tensions still existedbetween the two Koreas. Third, while antagonism between the South and North was severe at the games held both in 1973and 1979 a single South-North team participated in the 1991 Chiba Table Tennis Championship was regarded as a perfectexample of overcoming the political ideology.
Key Words
table tennis, sport diplomacy, sport and politics
Exploring Neuroscience on the Materialist Philosophy of Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 신경과학에 대한 체육철학의 유물론적 탐구
박형준HyungJunPark , 이계영GyeYoungLee
53(4) 41-52, 2014
Exploring Neuroscience on the Materialist Philosophy of Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 신경과학에 대한 체육철학의 유물론적 탐구
박형준HyungJunPark , 이계영GyeYoungLee
Recently, rapid advances in brain science have caused developed understandings and applications that were previouslyimpossible. In addition, philosophical, ethical, social, and educational issues have been emerging. The purpose of this article isto outline a variety of brain science and come up with philosophical implications of physical education. Presented in terms ofbeing reductionist consciousness, self-awareness through physical activity, in terms of self-development, allows human torealize the importance of unconsciousness and whole conscious process. Synaptic plasticity and body perception examine thecenter theory of human education as self-directed existence in terms of physical philosophy. And through the debate over thismatter, the paper concludes to make sure that how reductionist education can provide educational implications forwhole-rounded and sports ethical education. It will provide appropriate organized knowledge for learners in the perspectiveof epistemology, remind the interest of anthropology of physical education, and provide useful information for betterunderstanding.
The Implication of Philosophy of Sport in T`oegye Theory of Mind 인문,사회과학편 : 퇴계 심성론이 지닌 체육철학적 함의
53(4) 53-64, 2014
The Implication of Philosophy of Sport in T`oegye Theory of Mind 인문,사회과학편 : 퇴계 심성론이 지닌 체육철학적 함의
This study was conducted by recognizing the need for Eastern philosophical perspective in the current physical education andaimed to describe the theory of mind by Yi Hwang (李滉) in collaboration with the current philosophy of physical education. The purpose of this study was to derive sport philosophy implications of the theory of mind by Yi Hwang, and literarystudies were used as a research method. he mind structure proposed by Yi Hwang is the Ti-Yong structure and associated with problems between Li (理; law) and Qi(氣: energy). It can be understood that moral judgment and good deed are based on Li, and evil thought and deed are basedon Qiin sports. Four-Seven debate (四端七情論) enables us to understand that the essential meaning of Xin (心: disposition) Isassociated not only with reasons but also with moral emotions. For athletes, the phrase "Mind is a combination of Li and Qiis understood that it has not only moral aspects to follow pure Li but also Qi aspects to deviate from the right pass only towin. Human nature and self-cultivation (心性修養論) is a method of Jing (敬) and consists of ①reading the Confucian classics(經書), ② being taught by teachers and transmitting it, and ③ introspecting Xin (心) by practicing Jing Zuo (quiet sitting; 靜坐). Although it is practical for athletes to be taught by their teachers to transmit it and to read textbooks of physical educationor books related to history or philosophy, it is not sufficient to introspect their minds calmly by practicing Jing Zuo.
Key Words
심성론, 체용, 리, 기, 사단칠정론, 수양론, 心性論, 體用, 理, 氣, 四端七情論, 修養論, theory of mind, Ti-Yong, Li, Law and Qi, energy, Four-Seven debate, self-cultivation theory
The Audience`s Reading of Obesity and Diet in Survival Diet TV Program 인문,사회과학편 : 서바이벌 다이어트 프로그램의 비만과 다이어트에 대한 텍스트 분석 및 수용자 인식
이원미WonMiLee , 장익영IkYoungChang , 안찬우ChanWooAhn
53(4) 65-75, 2014
The Audience`s Reading of Obesity and Diet in Survival Diet TV Program 인문,사회과학편 : 서바이벌 다이어트 프로그램의 비만과 다이어트에 대한 텍스트 분석 및 수용자 인식
이원미WonMiLee , 장익영IkYoungChang , 안찬우ChanWooAhn
The purpose of this study through the audience’s reading and semantic construction of obesity and diet in ‘Diet Wars 6’ TVprograms about diet and obesity. To do this, semantic construction of obesity and diet in TV program was interpretive textualanalysis and audience’s reading was context analysis through the homepage viewer board. The results showed that, first,Semantic Construction of obesity and diet in ‘Diet Wars 6’ compared MC of nice body and obese challenger. Obese womenthe ideal body for women in yearning and at the same time it begins to feel the separateness Also the dominant male poweron female exercise was exposed and male trainers in the process of coaching exercises that indirectly shows, men’s attitudesabout the obese women in a male dominant position of women showing. The negative views were expressed about challengersuffering caused by obesity, social, and psychological distress for obesity by highlighting. Second, audience’s reading was thathave a commitment to diet, and to understand and sympathize with obese women. On the other hand, audience’s wasrecognized lack of information about diet process, some of which are powered by preconceptions about obesity.
Key Words
survival Diet TV Program, obesity, diet, audience`s reading
Korean Professional Basketball and Foreign Athletes: Understanding from Sport Homogeneity and Cultural Imperialism 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 프로농구와 외국인 선수: 스포츠 동질화-문화제국주의의 공간으로서의 이해
임승엽SeungYupLim , 권순용SunYongKwon
53(4) 77-88, 2014
Korean Professional Basketball and Foreign Athletes: Understanding from Sport Homogeneity and Cultural Imperialism 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 프로농구와 외국인 선수: 스포츠 동질화-문화제국주의의 공간으로서의 이해
임승엽SeungYupLim , 권순용SunYongKwon
Assuming that the effects of globalization and the changes in the local are one of key areas of the debates of globalization,this study attempted to explore the effects of the influx of foreign athletes playing in Korean professional basketball leaguebased on the concepts of sport homogeneity and cultural imperialism. In the study, we explored the concepts of homogeneityand cultural imperialism focusing on its relevance to sports particularly Korean professional basketball. Afterward, empiricalinvestigation on the changes in Korean professional basketball, caused by foreign athletes, was conducted. As the results, wefound that Korean professional basketball has experienced homogeneity of developed basketball by the foreign athletes. Second,from the aspect of imperialism, it was revealed that foreign athletes centered-Korean athletes marginalized culture, collapse ofcenter position of Korean basketball, tendency avoiding center position by young Korean basketball players, and regression ofinternational competitiveness of Korean basketball were found as the effects Korean professional basketball league hasexperienced by cultural imperialism.
Key Words
Korean professional basketball League, foreign athletes, sport homogeneity, cultural imperialsm
A study on the Activation Policy for Marine Sports: Questions and Necessary Concerns 인문,사회과학편 : 해양스포츠 활성화정책에 대한 소고: 해양스포츠 활성화에 던지는 질문과 필요한 고민
53(4) 89-99, 2014
A study on the Activation Policy for Marine Sports: Questions and Necessary Concerns 인문,사회과학편 : 해양스포츠 활성화정책에 대한 소고: 해양스포츠 활성화에 던지는 질문과 필요한 고민
This study aims to review present state of marine sports activation, to question about it, and to discuss necessary concerns. The questions and concerns to be discussed in this study include the following. Is activation of marine sports in progress? What is the direction for research and policy for marine sports activation? Can marine sports activation policy be effective? What is required to activate marine sports? It was difficult to state that marine sports activation is in progress due todifficulties in finding clear evidence. In addition, the reinvigoration plan of Marina, which is the core part of marine sportsactivation policy, indeed weighs stress on yacht in form closer to sports tourism; can this be called as true activation policyfor marine sports? The issues that Marina currently has, which are geographical issues and insufficient demand andrecognition, raise doubts about the effectiveness of marine sports activation policy. They are, in fact, causing difficulties tonumerous matters. Such questions are derived from insufficient participants in marine sports and know-how on Marina, riskfactors that activation strategy led by the government, and doubtful feasibility study. And above all, the policy seemsproblematic, because the activation strategy is led by the government, instead of by members of the marine sports clubs orlocal residents.
Key Words
marine sports, marine sports activation
The relationship between the professional baseball spectator immersion and viewing passion, viewing satisfaction, revisit intention and happiness 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 관중의 관람몰입과 관람열정, 관람만족, 재관람의사 및 행복감과의 관계
권오성OSeongKwon , 김상국SangKookKim
53(4) 101-116, 2014
The relationship between the professional baseball spectator immersion and viewing passion, viewing satisfaction, revisit intention and happiness 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 관중의 관람몰입과 관람열정, 관람만족, 재관람의사 및 행복감과의 관계
권오성OSeongKwon , 김상국SangKookKim
This study is to look into the relationship between professional baseball spectator immersion and viewing passion, viewingsatisfaction, revisit intention and happiness. The study subject has set the spectators that visited Jamsil baseball park on April4th and 14th, 2013 as the population and by using the convenient sampling method, a total of 956 person were sampled. Among the sampled questionnaires, omitting the 45 questionnaires that lacked content or survey items, a total of 911questionnaires were used in the actual analysis. In order to explain the character analysis and questionnaire questions of thesurvey subjects, the data that can be analyzed used SPSS 17.0 and implemented the frequency analysis, exploratory factoranalysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis and to verify the hypothesis, AMOS 18.0 was used and executed the analysisof structure equation and the significance level was set at p<.05. As a result, it turned out that spectator immersion affectsviewing passion significantly’, Second, spectator immersion affects viewing satisfaction significantly’, Third, spectator immersionaffects revisit intention significantly’, Fourth, viewing passion affects viewing satisfaction significantly’, Fifth, viewing satisfactionaffects revisit intention significantly’, Sixth, spectator passion affects revisit intention significantly’, Seventh, spectator passionaffects happiness significantly.
Key Words
professional baseball spectator, immersion, passion satisfaction, revisit intention, happiness
A Study on Relationship between Socio-cultural Recognition and Effectiveness about Foreign Player System of Professional Sports Fans 인문,사회과학편 : 프로스포츠팬의 사회문화적 인식과 외국인선수제도 효과의 관계
조성식SeongSikCho , 맹이섭LeeSeobMaeng
53(4) 117-129, 2014
A Study on Relationship between Socio-cultural Recognition and Effectiveness about Foreign Player System of Professional Sports Fans 인문,사회과학편 : 프로스포츠팬의 사회문화적 인식과 외국인선수제도 효과의 관계
조성식SeongSikCho , 맹이섭LeeSeobMaeng
This study is research on socio-cultural recognition of professional sports fans and recognition about in·external effectivenessof foreign player system, and after study on socio-cultural factors influence to recognition about in·external effectiveness,there is a purpose of the study to present the basic data for the development of professional foreign athletes system. To havethese objects, conducted questionnaire survey to the 600 professional sports fan who visited directly professional sportsstadium, the following results were obtained. Difference in accordance with the demographic characteristics of professionalsports fans, age high, high educational background, high income often recognized recognition of the globalization of thepopulation was higher and exclusive recognition of 「below High School diploma」 is high, 「above 40」’s multiculturalrecognition is high. And was higher in·external recognition about foreign player system with 「male」 and 「above 40」. Thedifferences by agreement or opposition recognition about foreign player system, I found that both the expressions inner andexternal awareness and socio-cultural of "agreement" is high. Socio-cultural recognition of professional sports fans Influence toin·external recognitions is "man", and "approval" and as the "global recognition", "multi-cultural recognition" is high, the in·external expression is high.
Key Words
socio-cultural recognition, professional sports, in-external effectiveness
Study on Emotional Revelation of Sport-Fans according to Conflict between Professional Athlete and One"s Club about Transfer of Oversea Country 인문,사회과학편 : 선수의 해외이적에 따른 구단과의 갈등 상황에서 나타나는 팬의 정서적 발현에 관한 연구
조성식SeongSikCho , 맹이섭LeeSeobMaeng , 이완영WanYoungLee
53(4) 131-142, 2014
Study on Emotional Revelation of Sport-Fans according to Conflict between Professional Athlete and One"s Club about Transfer of Oversea Country 인문,사회과학편 : 선수의 해외이적에 따른 구단과의 갈등 상황에서 나타나는 팬의 정서적 발현에 관한 연구
조성식SeongSikCho , 맹이섭LeeSeobMaeng , 이완영WanYoungLee
The purpose of this study was to analyze the emotional characteristics of Koreans revealed through comments on onlinearticles about the conflicts over overseas transfer of athletes between them and their teams. The target data was comments on87 articles reporting the rising conflicts posted on the web portal ‘NAVER.’ In addition, a total of 522 comments were analyzedafter selecting the top 6 comments that received the most number of ‘I agree.’ The findings are as follows. First, the emotionsof Koreans represented in the conflicts over the overseas transfer were ‘anti-business sentiment’ towards the sponsoringcompanies of the sports teams. Second, another emotion was ‘paternalism.’ Third, the final emotion was distrust towards sportsorganizations. Furthermore, the distrust spread to the associations of other sports. Thus, the analysis of online comments onthe conflicts over the overseas transfer of athletes and their teams led to three categories. It indicated that the emotionalcharacteristics of the Korean society could be seen in the conflicts of the sports industry.
Key Words
overseas transfer, internet articles, comments, emotion, anti-business sentiment, paternalism, distrustism
The Horse-Riding Experience Frame and Meaning of Horse-Riding Club Members 인문,사회과학편 : 승마동호인의 승마 체험구조와 의미
전원재WonJaeJeon , 임수원SooWonLim
53(4) 143-155, 2014
The Horse-Riding Experience Frame and Meaning of Horse-Riding Club Members 인문,사회과학편 : 승마동호인의 승마 체험구조와 의미
전원재WonJaeJeon , 임수원SooWonLim
The purposes of this paper were to understand inner meaning of people who experience horse-riding and look into the essenceof experiencing horse-riding. For this, I chose the phenomenological method of qualitative research method and usedphenomenological researching lived experience method which is shown by Van Manen. Research environment was B horseriding center located at A city. Among users, seven people were finally chosen for study participants by sampling method oftypical case selection. The data was collected through observation and interview. The collected data was analyzed byMethodological procedures. The results of this study are as follows. First, even though they spend same time at horse ridingcenter, they experienced different things through different episodes, many topics has drawn in terms of time such as yearning,fear, patience, riding addiction, absorption, joy and tonic. Second, spatial experience was found at various places such asindoor experience, outdoor and field experience, locker room experience, outdoor riding experience. Third, harmony anddisharmony, isolation-communication has been drawn as sub topics through relations between hose and people also betweenpeoples. forth, from pain to delight, multiple excersise effect, vibrant source of life have been drawn as subjects. This studyshowed that profound understanding of the people who experience horse-riding and essence of experiencing horse-riding.
The Growth Potential as a Career Field: Exploring the Life of a Professional Golf Caddies as a Professional 인문,사회과학편 : 새로운 직업영역으로서의 성장가능성: 전문직업인으로서 전문캐디의 삶 조망
박재우JaeWooPark , 최성락SungRakChoi
53(4) 157-170, 2014
The Growth Potential as a Career Field: Exploring the Life of a Professional Golf Caddies as a Professional 인문,사회과학편 : 새로운 직업영역으로서의 성장가능성: 전문직업인으로서 전문캐디의 삶 조망
박재우JaeWooPark , 최성락SungRakChoi
This article examined professional caddies’ motive for profession choice, realistic distresses, and immediate problems in theirlife of job as well as the potential for job growth of a professional caddie as a new sport job by adopting a qualitative researchmethod in order to explore the life of professional caddies as a professional. In this study, in-depth interviews with sevenprofessional caddies were conducted in order to explore their life of profession. The study identifies the life of professionalcaddies in a context of the following four perspectives. First, it was found that they identify themselves as an assistant, mentorand/or companion, and resist others’ distorted attention and prejudice. Second, it was identified that the relationships betweenprofessional golfers and caddies are generally originated and developed from a human network of family or friend (theirsenior or junior). Third, it was discovered that the most realistic problem and distress confronted in their life of professionwere economic difficulties and an inherent conflict in family life. Fourth, the challenge for the potential of professional caddies’job growth is to create social environment in which their financial condition is guaranteed at a certain level.
Key Words
Professional Golf Caddie, sport job, KPGA, Interview
Socio-cultural implications of the inner conflicts of Korean short-track skating: Focusing on the controversies around Victor An 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 쇼트트랙계 내재적 갈등의 사회문화적 함의: 2014년 빅토르안(안현수) 논쟁을 중심으로
박재우JaeWooPark , 임승엽SeungYupLim
53(4) 171-180, 2014
Socio-cultural implications of the inner conflicts of Korean short-track skating: Focusing on the controversies around Victor An 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 쇼트트랙계 내재적 갈등의 사회문화적 함의: 2014년 빅토르안(안현수) 논쟁을 중심으로
박재우JaeWooPark , 임승엽SeungYupLim
There has been controversies around Victor An’s case since he moved to Russia in an attempt to revive his speed skatingcareer and won his sixth career gold medal for Russia in the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. Moreover, the controversy has beenescalated into the problem of Korean sports circle beyond the nation’s short track circle. As a consequence of this, the Koreangovernment has raised the a broad and close range of audits and inspections in the sport circle. At this point, this study aimedat presenting a socio-cultural implication of the Victor AN event by analyzing the media coverage of inherent conflicts andabsurdities exposed in the sport circle. A couple of key features were derived from the study in terms of finding: First, it wasidentified that there has been the emergence of a weak patriotism and nationalism centering around his naturalization, whichwe have never experienced before. Second, it was disclosed that his naturalization and gold medals for Russia were a symbolof the advent of freelance Olympians. Third, it was confirmed that there has been a sense of groupism in the Korean sport,which is partly attributable to a clique and power domination of a particular group of people. In the conclusion, such socialproblems such as toleration toward a various corrupt actions and improperness and privatizing national governing bodies ofsport by a particular group of people in the Korean sport should be eradicated.
Key Words
Korean short-track skating, Victor An, inner conflict, socio-cultural implication
Change of Positive Psychological Capital and Heart rate and Blood Lactate from Exercise Intensity and Duration 인문,사회과학편 : 운동강도와 기간에 따른 긍정심리자본과 심박수 및 혈중젖산의 변화
임태홍TaeHongLim , 이용수YoungSooLee , 김용래YongRaeKim
53(4) 181-190, 2014
Change of Positive Psychological Capital and Heart rate and Blood Lactate from Exercise Intensity and Duration 인문,사회과학편 : 운동강도와 기간에 따른 긍정심리자본과 심박수 및 혈중젖산의 변화
임태홍TaeHongLim , 이용수YoungSooLee , 김용래YongRaeKim
The purpose of this study was analyze the effect of intensity and duration of exercise on positive capital, heart rate and bloodlactate. A total eight weeks of cardiovascular exercise with each session of 25 minutes and three session a week, wasperformed by 9 physical education major students with the intensity of 50 percent of V˙O2max and 75 percent of V˙O2max. Mann-Whitney U verification was used th analyze the positive psychological capital by exercise intensity, heart rate and bloodlactate. And repeated One-way ANOVA was conducted to analyze the changes over the period of exercise. The result of thisstudy is as in the following. First, the analysis of the changes in sub-factors of positive psychological capital according to theexercise intensity(50%, 75%V˙O2max), heart rate and blood lactate showed the statiscally positive psychological capital,self-efficacy, optimism, hope, resilience, heart rate and blood lactate, the significant difference on positive psychological capital,heart rate and blood lactate was found.
The Relationships among Coach`s Leadership, Immersion Level and Self-management of Taekwondo Player 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 지도자의 리더십과 선수의 몰입수준 및 자기관리의 관계
53(4) 191-199, 2014
The Relationships among Coach`s Leadership, Immersion Level and Self-management of Taekwondo Player 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 지도자의 리더십과 선수의 몰입수준 및 자기관리의 관계
The purpose of this study was to analyze the causal relationships among coach’s leadership, immersion level andself-management of taekwondo players. The subjects for this study totalled 168 taekwondo players. Instruments of this studywere used leadership Scale, TEOSQ(Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire) and ASMQ(Athletes’ Self-ManagementQuestionnaire). The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multipleregression analysis with SPSS 18.0 program. The following conclusions were drawn: First, there were relationships amongcoach’s leadership, immersion level and self-management of taekwondo players. Second, coach’s leadership had an effect onimmersion level of taekwondo player. Third, immersion level of players had an effect on self-management. Fourth, coach’sleadership had an effect on self-management of taekwondo player.
Key Words
Leadership, immersion Level, self-management
Travel-experience program effects on Maladjusted students` Empathy, Depression, and Stress 인문,사회과학편 : 여행체험 프로그램이 학교적응배려대상 학생의 공감능력,우울,스트레스에 미치는 영향
최총명ChongMyoungChoi , 박순만SoonMarnPark
53(4) 201-210, 2014
Travel-experience program effects on Maladjusted students` Empathy, Depression, and Stress 인문,사회과학편 : 여행체험 프로그램이 학교적응배려대상 학생의 공감능력,우울,스트레스에 미치는 영향
최총명ChongMyoungChoi , 박순만SoonMarnPark
This study is to notify effectiveness of educational organization of travel-experience program. This study aims to know reactionof depression, empathy, stress, preparation plan, and psychological resources on maladjusted students. The research wasperformed as below: First, Measuring and descriptive statistical analysis were performed by quantitative research andqualitative research. Fifty-four maladjusted students who were received requests by several middle schools in Seoul. Second,Questionaries assessing BDI, BEES, and PITR ,Which BDI and BEES statistical analysis was done by SPSS for Window 18.0 andPITR is received attention by clinical psychologist. To Verify the reliability of the measures and correlations between the frontand the rear of program, and to find out the difference of the reaction of ‘depression’, ‘empathy’, ‘stress’, ‘preparation plan’,and ‘psychological resource’, were used frequency analysis and T-test. The results of this program is significantly effective inimproving depression and empathy, feeling down stress about quantitative research, BDI and BEES. Also, in qualitativeresearch, results of this program is significantly effective in normal stress reaction, accepting external stimulus, and improvingself-image.
Development of Self-Management Scale for Motor-boat Racing Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 경정선수 자기관리 척도 개발
성영준YoungJunSung , 문개성KaeSungMoon
53(4) 211-223, 2014
Development of Self-Management Scale for Motor-boat Racing Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 경정선수 자기관리 척도 개발
성영준YoungJunSung , 문개성KaeSungMoon
The purpose of this study was to develop the self-management scale for motor-boat racing athletes. Data were collected frommotor-boat racers who were registered with the KSPO (Korea Sports Promotion Foundation) and a total of 146 athletescompleted a survey through the self-administration method. To do so, the original survey instrument was modified based onexisting scales which was developed 52 items, and PASW 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were performed to examine the reliability andvalidity of the scale items. The results of this study are: (1) 39 items (6 factors: injury management, training management,personal routine management, mental management, interpersonal management, meal management) were generated by an EFA(exploratory factor analysis). (2) All the goodness-of-fit indexes (X²/df=2.078, TLI=.909, CFI=.923, RMSEA=.076) revealedreasonably well, and the reliability(Cronbach’ alpha = .719~.915), construct validity(.502~.926), and convergent validity(.517~.649)were considered acceptable through CFA (confirmatory factor analysis). Understanding of the self-management scale formotor-boat racing athletes will contribute both theoretical and managerial implications.
Development of Counselor Competency Questionnaire for Sports Psychology Counselor 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 심리상담사의 상담역량 검사지 개발
53(4) 225-237, 2014
Development of Counselor Competency Questionnaire for Sports Psychology Counselor 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 심리상담사의 상담역량 검사지 개발
This study aimed at developing the test strip that can measure and evaluate the sports psychology counseling competency. Inorder to do so, with the analysis of the answers from the questionnaire and the measurement model from the previousresearch, the questionnaire was created. First of all, a counseling model was established based on the 160 categories drawnfrom the open questionnaire, such as the role of counselors, and the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and ability that are necessaryfor counseling. Secondly, after creating a questionnaire pool based on the analysis of the open questionnaire and the previousresearch, out of 37 items, 19 items were determined after considering propriety, necessity, and importance. Thirdly, after EFAof the measurement model, the final 16 items were selected, and they were categorized into four factors, such as counselingsensitivity, Awareness and resolution process, utilizing of psychological test based on the understanding of the sportsenvironment. AMOS 7.0 was ran for the 4 factors and showed TLI .924, CFI .945. Finally, counseling sensitivity, awareness andresolution process, and utilizing of psychological test were named as counseling professionalism, and then its relationship withsports environment was verified in the theoretical structure. Results showed TLI .91 and CFI .935 respectively. CR valuesexceed the 1.96 criterion and the validity of the theoretical structural model has been proved.
The Study of Exploring Conception of Mental Toughness of the World`s Best Performers Through Kelly`s Personal Construct Theory 인문,사회과학편 : 슈퍼 엘리트급 선수들의 정신력 개념 구조 탐색; Kelly의 개인구성이론을 중심으로
53(4) 239-253, 2014
The Study of Exploring Conception of Mental Toughness of the World`s Best Performers Through Kelly`s Personal Construct Theory 인문,사회과학편 : 슈퍼 엘리트급 선수들의 정신력 개념 구조 탐색; Kelly의 개인구성이론을 중심으로
The purpose of this study was newly established the concept and characteristics of the Sports Mental Toughness throughoutcareer before whole process growth and development from the perspective of the individual athletes. The Olympic Games andthe World Championships in the super elite athletes showed the 12 people targeted based on the theory of Kelly’s personalconstruct with a personal interview conducted by the method of grounded theory paradigm model was constructed. Theresults presented that super elite athletes formed the fundamentals of sport through high intensity training then mentaltoughness more enhanced through the Olympic game. Super elite athletes in training and competition experience shows mentalcharacteristics such as perfectionism, patience, concentration, confidence, desire to win, mental control, and fighting spiritconcepts that could be extracted. Such characteristics are excellent Spirit was able to have his career because the super eliteathletes through the entire process to be considered due to self regulation is brought gotten. Therefore, mental toughness canraise through sufficient training and effort in the course of their lifetme.
Key Words
super elite athlete, bert performer, mental toughness, personal construct theory
Exploring the Empirical Application of Movement Symbol Program with Mild Cognitive Impairment elderly patients 인문,사회과학편 : 경도인지장애노인의 움직임 기호 학습 프로그램의 현장 적용성 탐색
김수연SooYeonKim , 이재구JaeKooLee
53(4) 255-264, 2014
Exploring the Empirical Application of Movement Symbol Program with Mild Cognitive Impairment elderly patients 인문,사회과학편 : 경도인지장애노인의 움직임 기호 학습 프로그램의 현장 적용성 탐색
김수연SooYeonKim , 이재구JaeKooLee
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate exploring the field application of cognitive learning based body movement program using motif writing symbols on primary sensorimotor cortex activation. The movement program using Motif Writing Symbols was applied to the 8 MCI elder in movement learning group(ML) while 8 elder in occupational therapy(OT) took cognitive learning class. EEG(Mu ryhthm of C3 & C4 area) were recorded and analyzed. The collected data were analyzed by Three-way ANOVA with repeated measure. The results were as follows: In Mu rhythm of C3 area according to symbol and language sensory type,, ML group showed significant inhibition than OT group. Howeve, in Mu rhythm of C4 area, two group showed similar inhibition. We conclude that body movement program based on Motif Writing Symbol is valuable as alternative program for cognitive development as well as physical development of MCI elder.
Key Words
Mild cognitive impairment, Movement education, Cognitive Learning, EEG, Motif Writing
The Influence of Short Track Speed Skaters` Ego Resilience on their Exercise Stress and Exercise Performance 인문,사회과학편 : 엘리트 쇼트트랙 선수의 자아탄력성이 운동스트레스 및 운동성과에 미치는 영향
성시백SiBakSung , 이기표KiPyoLee , 윤용진YongJinYoon
53(4) 265-275, 2014
The Influence of Short Track Speed Skaters` Ego Resilience on their Exercise Stress and Exercise Performance 인문,사회과학편 : 엘리트 쇼트트랙 선수의 자아탄력성이 운동스트레스 및 운동성과에 미치는 영향
성시백SiBakSung , 이기표KiPyoLee , 윤용진YongJinYoon
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of short-track speed skaters’ ego resiliency on exercise stress andexercise performance. Short-track speed skaters’ registered with the Korea Skating Union were selected for this study; total of158 references were used in analysis. This study conducted frequency analysis, Pearson’s product moment correlation analysisand multiple regression analysis in order to identify the relationship amongst ego resiliency, exercise stress and exerciseperformance. The results of the study were as follow. According to the analysis, the impact of ego resiliency on exercise stressdemonstrated that self-confidence had a negative influence on all sub-factors of exercise stress. Furthermore, interpersonalrelationships and optimistic attitude under the influence of ego resiliency resulted in negative influence on performancedissatisfaction, a sub-category of exercise stress. The impact of ego resiliency on exercise performance, nonetheless, resulted apositive influence on all sub-factor of the exercise performance category; the interpersonal relationship also had positiveinfluence on the practice performance. The relationship between exercise stress and exercise performance implied thatperformance dissatisfaction resulted in negative effect on practice performance.
Key Words
short track speed skater, ego resiliency, exercise stress, exercise performance
The middle school students` differences of perceived importance for physical education teachers` verbal and nonverbal communication 인문,사회과학편 : 체육교사의 언어적,비언어적 커뮤니케이션에 대한 중학생의 중요도 순위 및 인식 차이
53(4) 277-291, 2014
The middle school students` differences of perceived importance for physical education teachers` verbal and nonverbal communication 인문,사회과학편 : 체육교사의 언어적,비언어적 커뮤니케이션에 대한 중학생의 중요도 순위 및 인식 차이
The purpose of this study was to investigate the students’ perceived importance of verbal and nonverbal communication inmiddle school and to examine the differences in perceived importance of based on sample characteristics as students gender. Date were collected from 400 middle school students in Busan and Ulsan by using purposive sampling method. 47 incompletecases were eliminated and a total of 353 questionnaire were included analysis using SPSS 20.0. Frequency analysis andindependent sample t-test were conducted. Results were as follows. First, the importance mean of verbal communication washigher than the importance mean of nonverbal communication. The highest point item was ‘detailed descriptions of the notesat physical education class’. Second, it was significant differences of verbal communication, ‘physical appearances’ and’proxemics & chronemics’ of nonverbal communication between male and female students.
The Effect of Education Satisfaction and Evaluation in the Employment Supporting Program on Employment Barrier Awareness Level and Career Preparation Behavior of Sports Related Majoring University Student 인문,사회과학편 : 체육계열 대학생들의 대학교육 만족과 취업 프로그램 평가가 취업 장벽 및 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향
류동수DongSooRyu , 박문수MoonSooPark , 김진국JinKookKim
53(4) 293-305, 2014
The Effect of Education Satisfaction and Evaluation in the Employment Supporting Program on Employment Barrier Awareness Level and Career Preparation Behavior of Sports Related Majoring University Student 인문,사회과학편 : 체육계열 대학생들의 대학교육 만족과 취업 프로그램 평가가 취업 장벽 및 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향
류동수DongSooRyu , 박문수MoonSooPark , 김진국JinKookKim
The purpose of this investigation was to provide and guide Physical Education students with the most effective and usefulinformation on career path and selection on career from the University. This investigation involved understanding therelevance on the awareness of college students from the physical Education on University Education Satisfaction, the evaluationin the employment supporting program, the employment barriers, and Employment preparation behavior. Survey wasconducted total of 504 Physical Education majored participants from Seoul and surrounding provinces. Collected data wasfirst analyzed by exploratory factor analysis, and then proposed conceptual framework was tested via confirmatory factoranalysis and structural equation modeling. The results were as follows: First, Society employment Barrier and personal CareerBarrier had a significant effect on University Education Satisfaction. Second, Society employment barrier had a significanteffect on evaluation in the employment supporting program, but not the personal employment barrier. Third, Societyemployment barrier and personal career barrier had a significant effect on employment preparation behavior.
Key Words
university education satisfaction, evaluation in the employment supporting program, employment barriers, employment preparation behavior
The Relationship Among the Physical Education Teaching Competencies, Educational Beliefs and Strategic Activity of Elementary School Teachers 인문,사회과학편 : 초등교사의 체육교수역량과 교육신념 및 전략적 행위의 관계
53(4) 307-317, 2014
The Relationship Among the Physical Education Teaching Competencies, Educational Beliefs and Strategic Activity of Elementary School Teachers 인문,사회과학편 : 초등교사의 체육교수역량과 교육신념 및 전략적 행위의 관계
This study examined the analysis of the relationship among the physical education teaching competencies, educational beliefsand strategic activity of elementary school teachers. The number of the surveyed for this study was 429 who participated inthe elementary school teachers. The reliability and validity test of the questionnaire itself was conducted by using SPSS &AMOS Window 18.0 program; the result of descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, standard multipleregression analysis, path analysis are as follows; The results were as being follows. First, the physical education teachingcompetencies is partially influences on the educational beliefs of elementary school teachers. Second, the physical educationteaching competencies is partially influences on the strategic activity of elementary school teachers. Third, the educationalbeliefs is partially influences on the strategic activity of elementary school teachers. Lastly there is a causal relationshipbetween physical education teaching competencies, educational beliefs and strategic activity of elementary school teachers.
A Research on Policy alternatives to improve the P.E. curriculum for developing competency for the future 인문,사회과학편 : 미래 사회 대비 체육과 교육과정의 개선 방향 탐색
김기철KiChulKim , 서지영JiYoungSeo , 유창완ChangWanYu
53(4) 319-332, 2014
A Research on Policy alternatives to improve the P.E. curriculum for developing competency for the future 인문,사회과학편 : 미래 사회 대비 체육과 교육과정의 개선 방향 탐색
김기철KiChulKim , 서지영JiYoungSeo , 유창완ChangWanYu
This study aims to explore ways to improve the P.E. curriculum for developing Core competency for the future and toinvestigate ways to practically link them to the P.E. curriculum. For this purpose, this study explores the methods forimprovements in the subject curricula and suggests changes for the subject curriculum in the development of Corecompetencies targeting the subjects’ Physical Education. The study employed research methods, investigative study, expertgroup hearing, and generated the following findings: First, Core competencies which are reflected in objectives part of P.E. curriculum should be reflected in every part of P.E. curriculum. Second, The elements of creativity and personality of P.E. curriculum should be reconstructed with core competencies. Third, The content system and content structure of the futurecommon P.E. curriculum fully reflects core competencies that students need to be strengthened for the future society. Forth,Using textbooks with a consecutive number of volumes should be improved as soon as possible in order to remove negativefactors in the implemented grade cluster.
Key Words
Core Competency, P.E. Curriculum
A Narrative Inquiry on Implementation of Responsibility Model in Elementary Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 책임감모형을 적용한 초등체육수업 실천 경험에 대한 이야기
53(4) 333-346, 2014
A Narrative Inquiry on Implementation of Responsibility Model in Elementary Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 책임감모형을 적용한 초등체육수업 실천 경험에 대한 이야기
The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of responsibility model (RM) implementation in elementary physical education (PE) through narrative inquiry. Participants were myself and my 27 students (15 boys, 12 girls) in the sixth grade. Data (field text) were collected from participant observation, field note, reflective writing, student journal entries, open ended survey, and in-depth interviews. Findings revealed that foundations of RM implementation were: (a) lunch with teacher and providing comments on student journal entries for teacher-student relationship, (b) team warming-up and responsibilityblackboard for integration, (c) team organization and individual role for empowerment, (d) responsibility ceremony and PE journals for transfer. And PE for RM was composed of following steps (7 rings): (1) establishing relationship, (2) value recognition, (3) group warming-up, (4) values-in-practice, (5) group meeting, (6) value reflection, and (7) making resolutions for practice. RM implementation had the following meanings: (a) establishing a responsible community, (b) becoming the center of character education, (c) providing a new perspective on PE with colleagues and students.
Key Words
responsibility model, narrative, character education
A Case Study on Teaching Life of Culture Art Educators 인문,사회과학편 : 문화예술강사의 교직생활에 관한 사례연구
The purposes of this qualitative case study were to examine the experiences that culture art educators had in junior highschools in Seoul and to suggest the meaning of their experiences. Three cultural art educators suitable for the purposes of thisstudy were selected as a study participant by purposeful sampling. The data were collected by three interviews underobservation for two approximately hours from May 2013 to May 2014.
This study aimed to prevent the current state from being analyzed and interpreted from the perspective of the researcher byconducting a member check not only during the description and analysis process but also during the interpretation process. Based on this, the reliability and validity of the data were ensured. As a result, the culture art educators had difficulty dueto the absence of understanding and communication with them in the schools compared with their passion and pride. Duringthe teaching process, they proposed a new link of communication and formation of hopeful relationships and experienced therole and importance of communication. Moreover, with regard to the evaluation system, they described the difficulties anddisappointing reality of the overall conflict situation in their teaching lives and required an understanding of various meaningsof the evaluation. Through the system improvement reflecting the views of teachers and educators, it is necessary to modifyteaching plans for teaching-learning, to manage the system for educators in schools according to the intended purpose, and tosupport educators and classes for better communication.
Key Words
culture and art educator, teaching Life, communication, relationship
The Relationship among Organizational Climate, Psychological Empowerment, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention: Based on Football Referees 인문,사회과학편 : 조직분위기, 심리적 임파워먼트, 직무만족 및 이직의도의 관계: 축구심판을 중심으로
김소희SoHeeKim , 홍은아EunAhHong
53(4) 365-376, 2014
The Relationship among Organizational Climate, Psychological Empowerment, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention: Based on Football Referees 인문,사회과학편 : 조직분위기, 심리적 임파워먼트, 직무만족 및 이직의도의 관계: 축구심판을 중심으로
김소희SoHeeKim , 홍은아EunAhHong
The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the relationship among football referees’ organizational climate,psychological empowerment, job satisfaction, and turnover intention. To achieve this, total 190 football referees registered inKorea Football Association participated in this survey and basic analyses and structural equation modeling were used throughPASW SPSS 18.0 and Amos 18.0 program. The results indicated that first, football referees’ organizational climate had apositive effect on their psychological empowerment. Second, football referees’ psychological empowerment had a positiveinfluence on their job satisfaction. However, third, football referees’ psychological empowerment had a negative impact on theirturnover intention. In the future, these results will be contributed to maximize the efficiency of management in Korean footballreferees’organization.
Key Words
Organizational climate, psychological empowerment, job satisfaction, turnover intention, football referees
A Study on the Relationship among Corporate Philanthropy, Image, Royalty, Intention to Purchase about Fifa World-cup Official Sponsor: Latent Mean and Multi-Group Analysis 인문,사회과학편 : 월드컵 스폰서십 참여 기업에 대한 사회공헌도, 기업이미지, 충성도, 구매의도간의 관계 연구: 잠재평균과 다집단분석
정영열YoungRyuelChung , 김진국JinKookKim
53(4) 377-389, 2014
A Study on the Relationship among Corporate Philanthropy, Image, Royalty, Intention to Purchase about Fifa World-cup Official Sponsor: Latent Mean and Multi-Group Analysis 인문,사회과학편 : 월드컵 스폰서십 참여 기업에 대한 사회공헌도, 기업이미지, 충성도, 구매의도간의 관계 연구: 잠재평균과 다집단분석
정영열YoungRyuelChung , 김진국JinKookKim
Sponsorship using sports events as a tool of marketing communication are increasingly being deployed in various ways. Inparticular, the global corporate by participating in mega sports event as a sponsor has heavily invested in sports sponsorshipto raise awareness and image of corporate to its customers all over the world. The purpose of this study was to provideeffective materials in order to establish strategies for corporate participating in sports events by identifying the difference inperception of male and female consumers. For this purpose, 387 male and female college students in Seoul and Gyenggiarea(male: 209, female: 178) were surveyed and the collected data were analyzed by using the SPSS18.0 and AMOS18.0 Theresults of this study were as follow: First, there was a difference in corporate image and purchase intention for the sponsorby gender. Second, the sponsor’s social contribution influenced on corporate image, corporate image effected on loyalty, andloyalty influenced on purchase intention in male and female group. Third, the corporate image had a greater effect on loyaltyin the male group compared to female group through an analysis of path model by gender. Therefore, the corporate can leadsuccessful and effective results applying the characteristics of target consumers to marketing communication strategies becausethere is a difference in recognition by gender.
The Moderating Effect of Organizational Identification in the Relationship between Extra Work Time and Burnout among Middle school PE teachers 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 체육교사의 초과근무가 직무탈진에 미치는 영향: 조직동일시의 증진을 통한 직무탈진 조절
권형일HyungIlKwon , 한동근DongGeunHan
53(4) 391-400, 2014
The Moderating Effect of Organizational Identification in the Relationship between Extra Work Time and Burnout among Middle school PE teachers 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 체육교사의 초과근무가 직무탈진에 미치는 영향: 조직동일시의 증진을 통한 직무탈진 조절
권형일HyungIlKwon , 한동근DongGeunHan
The purpose of this study was two-fold. Frist, this study was attempted to empirically examine the relationship between PEteachers’ extra work time and their burnout. Second, this study suggested organizational identification as a moderator in therelationship between extra work time and burnout. Based on conservation resources theory, the first hypothesis was developedthat PE teachers’ extra work time would increase the level of burnout. The second hypothesis included organizationalidentification as a moderator in the relationship between extra work time and burnout. The data were gathered from 129middle school PE teachers in Seoul, Incheon, and Kyunggi area. The two hypotheses were examined using moderated multipleregression analysis. The results supported the two hypotheses. The extra work time influenced PE teachers’ burnout (β=.59,p<.01) and the relationship was moderated by teachers’ organizational identification(β=-.18, p=.01). Thus, it is recommendedthat school management need to hire extra work force to reduce the burnout level of PE teachers and at the same time, PEteachers’ burnout can be reduced by promoting their organizational identification toward the school.
Key Words
Organizational identification, extra work time, burnout, PE teachers
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence, Prosocial Behaviors to Consumers, Customer Orientation, and Service Quality in Taekwondo Instructors 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도장 지도자의 감성지능, 친소비자행동, 고객지향성 및 서비스품질간의 관계
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence, Prosocial Behaviors to Consumers, Customer Orientation, and Service Quality in Taekwondo Instructors 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도장 지도자의 감성지능, 친소비자행동, 고객지향성 및 서비스품질간의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence, prosocial behaviors to customers,customer orientation, and service quality in Taekwondo instructors. Toward this end, a total of 310 Taekwondo instructors wasselected using a convenient sampling method and responded to the survey questionnaire. 300 usable data were utilized in dataanalyses procedure. Data analyses were conducted for frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability test, correlationanalysis, descriptive analysis, and multiple regression analyses with PASW 8.0. The results of this study indicated that (1)emotional intelligence had a significant impact on prosocial behaviors to customers,(2) prosocial behaviors customerssignificantly affected customer orientation, and (3)customer orientation had a significant effect on service quality. Additionalimplications and directions for future research were discussed.
Key Words
Emotional Intelligence, Prosocial Behaviors, Customer Orientation, Service Quality
An Analysis of Job Creation Effects of Sports Voucher System 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠바우처제도 일자리 창출 효과 분석
The purpose of the research was to provide preliminary data for the development of the Sport Voucher System. To accomplish the purpose, job creation effects of the Sport Voucher System was calculated to analyze expectation effects of employment. The statistics issued by the Government was utilized and the number of employment inducement was calculated to investigate job creation effects. Additionally, the online survey of facilities that participate in the Sport Voucher System was conducted. Input-output table was utilized to analyze job creation effects and the results indicated that the number of direct employment inducement was 220.1 and the number of direct labor inducement was 198.2. Also, the results derived from the employment to GDP ratio from the research on the Sport Industry Survey indicated that the number of direct employment inducement was 545.5. Furthermore, the report on the Census on Establishments and the Service Industry Survey indicated that the number of direct employment inducement and direct labor inducement was 512.6 and 192.8. Lastly, the survey demonstrated that the number of direct employment inducement and direct labor inducement was 496.2 and 304.8. The results of the research will be used as the significant data when preparing practical plans to create jobs through the Sport Voucher System and it is necessary to harmonize publicness and marketability of job creation possibility which was theoretically proven.
Study on introduction and expansion process of the New Sports in Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 한국의 뉴스포츠 도입과 전개 과정 연구
53(4) 429-439, 2014
Study on introduction and expansion process of the New Sports in Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 한국의 뉴스포츠 도입과 전개 과정 연구
The study examined how the new sports have been distributed, expanded, and settled in Korea from the social historical viewpoint. In 1997, the Teeball was introduction Korea through international exchange promoted by the Japan Teaball Association. The Korean students who were studying in Japan at the time, including Sang-Ok Seo, largely contributed in establishing the Korea Teeball Association in 1998. This new sports started to be introduced and distributed according to the two categories of sports for all and physical education. The reason for the new sports being rapidly settled in Korea since 2000 is to meet the needs of the students and teachers, who were the educational center of the post-industrial society, and the demand from the general public who practice leisure sports. This is completely a new trend which could not have been found in the education process led by the government. Since late 1990s, when the co-ed schools started to become fully implemented, the new sports have been propagated as school coaches were concerned about conducting effective classes in physical education. This was accepted as active sports that could be participated by both genders, outside of the old-fashioned perceptions oriented by male-centered, economic, performance-based, and rule-based concepts. This phenomenon led the Department of Education to officially designate this sport as a part of physical education curriculum. In addition, as a way to promote leisure activities of the public, the Council of Sport for All of Korea provided with supportive policies, which also assisted in the rapid introduction of this sports.
Key Words
New sports, introduction, expansion, Teeball, physical education, sports for all
Physical Education`s Value, Midshipmen got from Football Matches 인문,사회과학편 : 생도들이 대외경기에서 체득한 체육의 가치탐구
53(4) 441-453, 2014
Physical Education`s Value, Midshipmen got from Football Matches 인문,사회과학편 : 생도들이 대외경기에서 체득한 체육의 가치탐구
The purpose of this research was to investigate the physical education’s values, midshipmen got from football matches. The values deducted by phenomenological method were as follows: physical fitness, actual training, operation plan, grit and leadership. These values were educated just in few subject among regular curricula, extraordinary physical activity, interacademic athletics, and special physical activity. The values got the power by matches’ frequencies. So, the interacademic athletics’ values were proved, and must be educated in regular curricula at lower grades. This research provided the necessities of interacademic athletics for cultivating not only midshipmen but also students’ sport literacy, creativity and personality in athletic clubs.
Effect of Pungmul Dance on Physical Function and Cognition of the Elderly 인문,사회과학편 : 풍물춤이 노인의 신체기능과 인지기능에 미치는 영향
김상국SangKookKim , 이지현JiHyunLee
53(4) 455-465, 2014
Effect of Pungmul Dance on Physical Function and Cognition of the Elderly 인문,사회과학편 : 풍물춤이 노인의 신체기능과 인지기능에 미치는 영향
김상국SangKookKim , 이지현JiHyunLee
Korean traditional dance is an important mode of physical activity that may allow older adults to improve their physical function, health, cognition, and well-being. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the Pungmul dance elderly people on physical function and cognition through the Pungmul dance of Korea. The 16 subjects were placed in one experimental group(n=8) and one control group(n=8). All subjects of this study were the elderly who were the members of the day care center in the northern area of Seoul city, Korea. The only experimental group participated in the Pungmul dance program with 2 times(per 60 minutes) a week in 12 weeks. The control group only had daily lives without participating in the pungmul dance program. After practice, the physical function of the experimental group was significantly increased including the muscle of upper and lower part, the flexibility of upper and lower part and the agility, and dynamic flexibility(p<.05). In addition, the cognition variable with MMSE-K was also significantly improved compared with the control group(p< .05). However, the blood variable such as BDNF was not significantly increased(p >.05). In conclusion, this study showed that Pungmul dance had a positive effect on the physical function of elderly. These findings support the use of the Pungmul dance as an effective means of physical activity for improving physical function in the elderly.
Development plan and value system of the school dance according to the strategy change for the physical and the art education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육,예술교육 정책 변화에 따른 학교무용의 가치체계 탐색 및 발전방안
53(4) 467-480, 2014
Development plan and value system of the school dance according to the strategy change for the physical and the art education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육,예술교육 정책 변화에 따른 학교무용의 가치체계 탐색 및 발전방안
This study analyzed based on the related contents about the school dance among the major related strategies for the physical and art education from the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Culture to search the value system of the school dance according to the strategy change for the physical and the art education. From the result, the values of the school dance have these things such as first, the value in the contents system of the curriculum, second, the strategic value for increasing the physical activity, third, the value for the artificial experience, forth, the relation value of the community, fifth, the value for the recreation and sixth, the learning value for the traditional culture. Also, like this, we know that since the value of the school dance keeps the educational, physical, emotional, social, cultural and national value, we can use the value system of the school dance for raising the talented people for the future.
A Study on the Legislation of Sport Gender Equality Laws 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 양성평등법 제정에 대한 소고
이윤경YoonKyungLee , 조미혜MiHyeCho
53(4) 481-494, 2014
A Study on the Legislation of Sport Gender Equality Laws 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 양성평등법 제정에 대한 소고
이윤경YoonKyungLee , 조미혜MiHyeCho
The purpose of this study was to deduct the meaning of sport gender equality laws and proposed the method to legislate it. For the purpose, the study researched the gender equality law case of the advanced country in sports gender equality policy, its unfolding method, achievement and method. The meanings of sports gender equality laws from the viewpoint of school sports, the viewpoint of elite sports and the viewpoint of national sports were as follows. The sports gender equality laws will be the basic method to realize the gender equality in school sports and secure the study right of sports class. From the viewpoint of elite sports, it will improve the sports culture and achieve the internal growth by solving school violence and sexual violence and establishing the organization where both genders are equal. From the viewpoint of country and society, it will be connected to both gender’s harmony and social integration through sports and contribute to activating the half power that will contribute to the national development. As the method to legislate the sports gender equality laws, the researcher proposes the first, legislation of basic sports law, the second, legislation and revision of gender equality provision in School Sport Promotion Act, the third, establishment of elite sports gender equality laws and the fourth, legislation and revision of gender equality provision in Sport Promotion Act.
Key Words
Sport Gender, Equality Laws
The Effects of Core Muscle Strengthening Training on Isokinetic Leg Muscular Strength and Balance Control Ability of Female High School Soccer Players 자연과학편 : 코어 근육 강화 트레이닝이 여자 고등학교 축구선수의 대퇴 등속성 근력과 균형조절 능력에 미치는 영향
53(4) 495-504, 2014
The Effects of Core Muscle Strengthening Training on Isokinetic Leg Muscular Strength and Balance Control Ability of Female High School Soccer Players 자연과학편 : 코어 근육 강화 트레이닝이 여자 고등학교 축구선수의 대퇴 등속성 근력과 균형조절 능력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 12 weeks core muscle strengthening training designed to prevent sports injuries and to enhance physical fitness for female high school soccer players. The core muscle strengthening training were performed during 50 mins a day, three days a week for 12 weeks. Balance control ability and isokinetic leg muscular strength were evaluated by Biodex balance system and Cybex 770. The results of the study in the training group were as follows; The isokinetic leg muscular strength of knee and balance control ability had significantly increased. And also, core muscle strengthening training is a female high school soccer player’s isokinetic leg muscular strength and balance control ability to adjust the property’s positive impact has been confirmed, if you regularly conduct a female high school soccer player performance enhancement and injury prevention will be able to be an effective training method.
Key Words
core muscle strengthening training, isokinetic Leg muscular strength, balance control ability, female soccer players
Simulation of Open Area According to the Ball Contact Position and Blocking Position in Volleyball 자연과학편 : 배구경기에서 타점 위치 및 블로킹 위치에 따른 오픈면적 시뮬레이션
이기청KiChungLee , 김관호KwanHoKim
53(4) 505-513, 2014
Simulation of Open Area According to the Ball Contact Position and Blocking Position in Volleyball 자연과학편 : 배구경기에서 타점 위치 및 블로킹 위치에 따른 오픈면적 시뮬레이션
이기청KiChungLee , 김관호KwanHoKim
This study has analyzed the open area according to the ball contact position and blocking position by men’s volleyball games. The program of calculating the open area was developed using Visual Basic and Visual C++. The area for Open spike and Back attack without blocking, which is 330 cm heights and the range as near as possible from the net, has the advantage and the area in 120 cm from the attack line secured the open area widely for Back attack. The A quick in the nearest area from the net and 310 cm secured the open area efficiently. Open spike that kept the heights about 20 cm from the blocking and the A quick that was faster than the blocking will raise successful attack probability when there was the blocking. Attack the rear without more than 2 blocking will be a crucial point. The blocking a little far from the net for Open spike and Back attack had the small open area. The blocking over about 10 cm for A quick, however, appropriate.
Key Words
volleyball, ball contact position, blocking position, open area, simulation
Comparison of trunk muscle activity in middle-aged women according three different Bridging exercise 자연과학편 : 세가지 다른 교각운동에 따른 중년여성의 체간근 활성도 비교
이석민SukMinLee , 전지경JiKyengJeon
53(4) 515-521, 2014
Comparison of trunk muscle activity in middle-aged women according three different Bridging exercise 자연과학편 : 세가지 다른 교각운동에 따른 중년여성의 체간근 활성도 비교
이석민SukMinLee , 전지경JiKyengJeon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of trunk muscles activation in middle aged women through three different Bridging exercise. All subjects performed three different Bridging exercise while surface electromographic(BIOPAC Systems, Goleta, CA, USA) activity was recorded from several muscle. Statistical analysis was used one-way repeated measured ANOVA to comparing the muscle activation. According to the study bridgingⅡ exercise showed the highest degree of muscle activity among three different type of Bridging exercise. This study compared the trunk muscle activity during three different Bridging exercises for middle aged women. Contractions of the coxa adductor, pelvis fundus muscle and internal oblique cause severe pressure in deep part of abdomen and contribute to spinal stability by strongly supporting the multifidus control the lumbar vertebrae areas and enhances the stability in the trunk. bridgingⅡ is suitable for muscle strengthening of the lumbar stability.
Kinematic Analysis of the Endo el-grip & Jager Motion on the Horizontal Bars of Gymnastics 자연과학편 : 기계체조 철봉 엔도 엘 그립 동작 후 예거 연결동작에 관한 운동학적 분석
박지훈JiHunPark , 김세환SheHwanKim , 김민수MinSooKim
53(4) 523-532, 2014
Kinematic Analysis of the Endo el-grip & Jager Motion on the Horizontal Bars of Gymnastics 자연과학편 : 기계체조 철봉 엔도 엘 그립 동작 후 예거 연결동작에 관한 운동학적 분석
박지훈JiHunPark , 김세환SheHwanKim , 김민수MinSooKim
This study was carried out to analyze the kinematic variables for the Endo el-grip and Jager motion on the horizontal bars of two male Korean national gymnasts in order to provide basic research data use findings to improving athletic performance. Three dimensional image imaging was used to analyze kinematical factors of the endo el-grip and Jager motion time requirement, movement of the body’s center of gravity, velocity change in the body’s center of gravity, angles of major joints and segment change. El-grip motion must have sufficient ascending speed and maintain sufficient time airborne to perform a Jager. Also, it is important to maintain a high speed to completed rotational motion. because acquiring the ability to link skills achieve higher scores in modern gymnastics than performing single skills. The el-grip’s completion speed and completed angle provides a linking motion and minimizes. Leaders and gymnasts will have to do a lot of research through the training process. Future research is needed to provide a scientific approach to the analysis of technical strategy.
Key Words
Endo el-grip, Jager, horizontal bars
Correlations analysis between swing flatness and COM movement and difference of iron swing according to flat and slope 자연과학편 : 아이언 스윙 시 스윙 편평도와 신체 무게 중심 이동의 상관관계 및 경사 조건에 따른 차이 분석
Correlations analysis between swing flatness and COM movement and difference of iron swing according to flat and slope 자연과학편 : 아이언 스윙 시 스윙 편평도와 신체 무게 중심 이동의 상관관계 및 경사 조건에 따른 차이 분석
The purpose of this study was to analysis of swing flatness and COM movement between flat and slope(10°) and correlations analysis among the iron swing factors. The subjects were 7 KPGA golfer, who had no serious musculoskeletal problems within 1 year prior to the study. We analyzed swing flatness and COM movement while golfers performed swing on the two ground condition using 7 iron. The maximum value flatness in the AD-BT, BT-DS and the mean flatness value of BT-DS were found to be significantly different between flat and slope(10°)(p<.05). It was found that differences were significantly low (p<.05) for iron swing on the slop(10°) position for medial-lateral, vertical COM movement(address - back swing top) and vertical COM movement(back swing top - finish). Iron swing on slop(10°) position showed a lower correlation among the flatness of back swing, down swing, vertical COM movement than flat position. Whereas, significant correlation were observed between the flatness of down swing and medial-lateral COM movement on slope position.
Key Words
iron swing, swing flatness, COM movement, flat and slop
Research on the Result of School Athletic Team Advancement Policy in School Physical Education Promotion Act 자연과학편 : 학교체육진흥법 학교운동부 선진화 육성 정책의 성과 분석
53(4) 543-553, 2014
Research on the Result of School Athletic Team Advancement Policy in School Physical Education Promotion Act 자연과학편 : 학교체육진흥법 학교운동부 선진화 육성 정책의 성과 분석
In this study, at the point where the educational rights guarantee policy is in effect as first year anniversary of School Physical Education Promotion Act enforcement approaches, is to analyze the result trend of the advancement upbringing policy of school athletic team advancement through the perceptions of the actual targets, middle school athletes. Study subjects were 229 middle school athletes in metropolitan area (Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon) at the point of educational rights guarantee policy application phase. In order to analyze the trend of the results of school athletic team advancement upbringing policy (academic performance, educational rights guarantee, school life culture, school athletic team culture), paired t-test was performed.
The results of the study is as follows.
First, the academic performance of student athletes did not display the trend of large outcome at the point where the survey period has been about a year, but the basic academic skills gradually increased. Second, student athletes’ educational rights guarantee, school life culture, and school athletic team culture displayed a much improved trend compared to the result of last survey.
Key Words
School Physical Education Promotion Act, school athletic teams, trend analysis, advancement policy
Research on the Application Methods of Big Data within School Physical Education 자연과학편 : 빅데이터를 활용한 학교체육 활성화 방안
53(4) 555-563, 2014
Research on the Application Methods of Big Data within School Physical Education 자연과학편 : 빅데이터를 활용한 학교체육 활성화 방안
Today, massive increases in data available to various industries are creating a new chance for competitive benefit and The Korean government also established a master plan for big data in collection at November 2012. However, it has been pointed out that studies have the lack of research regarding big data for Physical Education. Research aims to analyze the actual situation and suggest alternatives by finding obstacles and key factors about this issue so that school physical education environment can effectively use big data, and then realizing student-athlete career development and transition support programs. This study suggests that government should research and develop Big Data for school physical education. Regarding infrastructure for Physical education with big data analytics, opinion mining with SNS data is required. The current problem of educational management system in this context is that there is a lack of professional work force as well as technological infrastructure regarding school physical education.
Key Words
big data, school physical education, student-athlete, technological infrastructure
Relational Composition between Physique,Body Composition and Motor fitness in South Korean Preschool Children 자연과학편 : 한국유아의 체격,신체조성과 운동능력의 상관구도
This study analyzed the relationship between body composition and motor performance in young Korean boys, and investigated the resulting regression construction. The subjects were 37 five-year-old boys and 34 six-year-old boys in the city of Seoul. Physique, body composition, and motor performance were measured and a correlation analysis was performed. First to third order regression polynomial analyses were then performed for items found to have a significant correlation. A 3-step mean evaluation method from the body fat percentage statistic was then applied, and an analysis of variance was performed for motor performance of groups based on classification of body fatness. The results showed significant correlations between body fat percentage and muscle percentage in pull-ups and tennis ball throw in 5-year-old boys, and in pull-ups in 6-year-old boys (P<.05). In the 6-year-old boys, a first-order regression polynomial was judged to be valid for pull-ups with respect to body fat percentage and muscle percentage. The results suggest that development of motor ability in childhood is little affected by body composition, but that body fat and muscle affect muscle endurance.
Key Words
Physique, Body composition, Motor fitness, Fatty-slim judgment, Regression polynomial
Effects of Wheelchair-based Complex Exercise on Functional Fitness, Postural Control and Health-related Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Stroke 자연과학편 : 휠체어기반 복합운동이 만성뇌졸중 환자의 기능체력, 자세조절능력 그리고 건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향
이상욱SangWookLee , 최혜정HyeJungChoi
53(4) 575-585, 2014
Effects of Wheelchair-based Complex Exercise on Functional Fitness, Postural Control and Health-related Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Stroke 자연과학편 : 휠체어기반 복합운동이 만성뇌졸중 환자의 기능체력, 자세조절능력 그리고 건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향
이상욱SangWookLee , 최혜정HyeJungChoi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of wheelchair-based exercise on functional fitness, postural control and health-related quality of life in stroke patients. Twenty two subjects volunteered to participate and devided into two group: exercise group(n=12), comparative group(n=10). Muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and reaction time for functional fitness were measured. Postural control ability was measured by PASS and SF-36 questionnaire was evaluated Health related QoL patient with chronic stroke. The results of the study were follows: upper-body muscular endurance and flexibility has interaction with time and groups(p<.01). And also grip strength, lower-body muscular endurance, reaction time were shown significantly changed in wheelchair exercise group(p<.05). Postural control ability was interacted in time and groups(p<.01). Bodily pain, emotional health, general health factors were shown significantly improved in wheelchair exercise group compared to control group. Therefore, wheelchair-based complex exercise was helpful both of physically and psychologically in rehabilitation for chronic stroke patients.
Key Words
Stroke, Wheelchair-based Exercise, Functional Fitness, Quality of Life